Thursday, September 24, 2015

I love destiny!

By Jeremiah the 5th grader

Destiny (especially with the taken king ) is so fun! My hunter is a level 40, my warlock is a level 28. My titan is a level 18 (I know, my titan is not even a level 20)! destiny is my favorite game ever!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Welcome to School 2015-2016!

By Joshua, grade 7

Hello! Welcome to another year of school! So, this year Jeremiah is in the 5th grade and I, you might have seen, am in the 7th grade. We are still brothers, we are still in Washington, and we are still (and will always be) AWESOME! I hope you will enjoy another year of tests, fails, trips, researches, and reports.
End of blog post.
Why are you still here?
It's the end of the blog post!
You should be leaving.
There's nothing else you need to read here!
You don't want to?
Come on!
Why is everyone always wanting to read until the end of the blog post! GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
You know, this has been fun and all but JUST GET OFF THIS BLOG POST ALREADY!
What does it take to get you off here?
It is VERY tiring trying to get you off here. Maybe I wouldn't be so tired if SOMBODY WOULD LISTEN TO ME!
Boy, I just feel like getting someone off a blog post.
No wait I'm already trying to do that.
Fine, REAL end of blog post.
Maybe that'll fool 'em!
Oh co (the rest of this blog post has been deleted, we are sorry for the inconvinience)

No  7th graders were REALLY angered in the making of this blog post.

My birthday party is coming soon!

By Jeremiah the 5th grader

I'm so happy because my birthday party is coming! The theme is Lego. I'm so excited for my party! One reason I am so happy about my birthday is because on the day of my birthday the new expansion for Destiny comes out! YAY!